The race may forever go down as my favorite race. That is not to say that it went perfectly. However I did succeed beyond any prior Ironman. The primary difference in my training so far this year has been the rotating weekly blocks devoted to one of the three sports. For the record, I am a 36 year old husband, dad and full-time physical therapist. My goal during the week is to train before work and/or at lunch so as to not do anything once I get home. Weekends during build included a 4-4.75 hour computrainer ride that started by 5 AM to minimize impact on my soon to be 4 year old son or wife. Weekly training time has ranged from 10 hours per week to a peak of around 18 hours for three consecutive weeks. I did a very intense week three weeks out with about a 10 day taper/rest. This is less of a taper than in the past but I am racing tons more this season. I never had any illness or injury issues leading up and my running had been far superior to any point in my life. The only blip on the radar was what I would consider a sub-par result at 70.3 Galveston on April 1st. However I convinced myself it was just a blip.
The goal for this race was one thing, break 9 hours. The last 5 ironman distances have been 11:48, 10:05, 9:44, 9:42 and 9:13. I have improved a lot but despite the improvements I really wasn't sure I could actually execute. I believed in order for it to happen, the course had to be flat, windless and very mild in temperature. So with that, I somehow thought Houston, Texas in late May was a good idea…

The swim temp was a nearly 82 degrees and hence no wetsuits allowed. I started behind the top guys and knew the pace would be quick early. I didn't feel great warming up but decided to try their pace initially and see how it felt. I knew if it was too much I could easily scale back and stay comfortable. After the first 300 meters or so, I dropped my pace and settled in. I led a nice group of 8 or so through the rest of the 2.4 miles. It was a very motivating swim through a narrow channel where I could see Andrea the whole time. She can scream! Anyway, as we got about 150 meters from the exit, a Mexican dude started to sprint so I finished on his feet. Time 53:20. I exited the water with Pedro Gomes and the eventual winner Jordan Rapp. I think my heart rate was about 120 at swim exit so I was able to fly (for me) through the swim exit and T1.
I got on my bike a few seconds ahead of Pedro and Jordan and got rolling. I nearly crashed at the first hard right turn but managed to stay up right. Jordan seemed to fly from the start and I was nervous to even attempt to hang. Pedro then went by me and I decided to try keeping him in my sights. I wasn't sure for how long it would last but the pace was within tolerance. That was the start of a solid 45 or so miles. I tried to take turns pacing but my efforts didn't last long. It's amazing how someone else can keep you mentally engaged for longer stretches than when there is nothing but pavement ahead.
Anyway, around mile 45 Josef Major (bike course record holder) caught us. Pedro immediately upped his pace and the two of them began getting smaller and smaller into the distance. That was almost the beginning of the end of my day. I had the typical negative thoughts that follow a down turn in an ironman...should I DNF? The road surface turned from smooth pavement to chip seal. The wind was now in my face and the mild temperature's had turned to mid 80's. As I focused on all the negatives, another couple of cyclists passed by without so much as an attempt by me to stay paced. However, everytime I looked at my bike computer I was still maintaining a decent pace considering the effort.
My mind wandered...
"You have Hodgkins Disease". I looked at my dad cry for the first time ever and my mom looked like she'd been hit by a truck. That's when I told them something like "it's gonna be ok. Let's start treatment"
That's when I heard a 'beep' from behind. "Crap." The women's leaders! Not what I wanted to see. I was around mile 90 and had a decision to make. I could either surge ahead for my pride or I could get out of the way and let the two women race their race. I got out of the way and let them do their thing. At least the two (Amy Marsh and MB Ellis) had won a combined 7 ironman titles between them with best times significantly faster than mine. I let them go. I realized I was still on pace for my fastest ride over that distance.
"it's gonna be ok"
I caught back up to them and cruised back into T2. I was a little disappointed on one hand but on the other I was happy because the time, 4:45, was my Pre race goal. On to phase 3.
I got through T2 pretty well and realized I was feeling decent other than being hot. I was still with the two female leaders which at least gave me some motivation. I wasn't too sure how they were feeling but part of me thought I could help at least one of them to a win. One cool part of this was the fact there were pace bikes around for the whole marathon. At different points in the race I visualized that the bikes were for me. It is amazing how much day-dreaming you can do in 140.6 miles!
After a fairly fast first two miles I settled in to a steady 7:10-7:15 pace. The Pre race goal was a little faster but based upon the rest of my day as well as the temperature I didn't want to be stupid. Although I had plenty of low moments up till this point, I still had a glimmer of hope that I could be sub 9 overall. I knew the women's leader had been a ridiculous 8:40 last year in Europe so if I could keep paced with her I had a shot. My nutrition on the bike was Perpetuum and Power Bar Gels, Hammer Endurolytes and Water. On the run, nutrition was (in order at each aid station) salt tablet, water, Coke/Power Bar Perform, water, ice in pants and repeat. That is how it went. I passed the 13.1 mile mark in 1:34.01 and did quick math. I would have a cushion of 8 minutes if I even split it. I knew that was not going to happen so again my thoughts went to another time and place.
December 23, 1996. The IV was being started by the nurse for my first Chemotherapy appointment. The Hodgkins Diagnosis came the week or so before and I chose to start treatment before Christmas. My doctor recommended I wait but I needed to kill the bad stuff NOW.
Suddenly, Andrea and Sherman Everett came into view. They were right at the 24 mile marker and were screaming "20 minutes!!!!" Apparently that was how much time until the clock struck 9 hours. During the prior miles I hadn't looked at my watch much for fear of negative reinforcement. 7 minute miles do not feel significantly different than 10 minute miles in an ironman. I was pretty sure I had been closer to the 10 minute side of things until they said "20 minutes". I peaked at my watch and sure enough I had 20.5 minutes to go 2.2 miles. Mile 25 was 7:19 and 26 was 6:57. Sherman came upon me at the final turn and screamed like crazy. I think he was as happy as I was! For the first time all day I KNEW I was going to break 9 hours." That is all I kept thinking. I saw Andrea and she smacked the skin off my hand.
Of course tears came out of my eyes as I realized I was going to break a barrier I so badly wanted to cross. There was a little missing at the end because the rest of my family wasn't there. My parents were watching Luca back in Cleveland, Ohio but I know they were keeping tabs all day. I knew Andrea’s side was checking in as well. It has been a continuation of a journey they have all been a part of.
As I ran down the chute, I reflected upon the past and all of the challenges we have gone through. I slapped hands with anyone who wanted to and walked my last steps of the course. Mike Reilly called out my name and then a first, he walked over and gave me a high five and a cool little man hug. Pretty special. Oh yeah, the women's winner did manage to stay a few steps ahead of me through most of the run. Congrats to Mary Beth Ellis! She has a great chance to be the first female American Ironman World Champion in a very long time. I will be pulling for her.
This was a great experience all the way around. Thanks go first to my wife for putting up with me. I complain all the time that I don't have enough time to train but as always, you were right! Her belief in me is unending. Thanks to my new team USProTri (http://www.usprotri.com) for some great new products from Profile, Limar, Powerbar, Body Glide and Zoot). Thanks to the Spin Bike Shop crew for great friendships and years of amazing customer service and beyond. Thanks to Bill and the crew at Second Sole. You truly are the best dedicated running shop anywhere! Thanks to my recent training partners Kevin Krol, Ken Hagan and Jocelyn Rood. It has been years since I consistently trained with humans. Thanks to Mark Gorris for the cycling guidance and of course for all the well wishes passed along through messages, texts and facebook. They always mean a ton. And at long last, thank you to the little green Compu-trainer guy for a lot of motivation! I will see you soon!
Congrats to Mark Murphy of the great Spin Second Sole Multisport Team (http://www.sssmst.com) who made the trek down to race in the same flat, windless and cool conditions of late May in Houston. It was inspiring watching you run and great hanging with you after. Next time though, don't stop and chat so long midway through the marathon!
Last thing: Andrea and I celebrated our 6th anniversary the day after the race. Her mom sent a text in the morning wishing us Congrats. The text basically stated that the modern day 6th wedding anniversary gift is iron! I verified it on Wikipedia!!!
If anyone is still reading, sorry!!!!!
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